Integration of KNApSAcK and the other chemical databases to understand efficacy of plants on human at the molecular level


  • Completed
  • DICP Tool Prototype Trial for Integrated Database Analysis
  • Projects funded in FY 2013

Name and affiliation of Research Director


Postgraduate Student, Bioinformatics Center, Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University

Outline of R&D

KNApSAcK is a database describing relationships between species and their metabolites. Its family databases (KNApSAcK family) include information about efficacy of plants on human at the phenotypic level. The aim of this project is to integrate the information at the phenotypic level from KNApSAcK with the information at the molecular level from the other chemical databases (e.g. ChEMBL) for understanding the relationships between these two levels that should be helpful to predict efficacy of plants by using metabolomics data.

Main database(s) subject to research and development

Period of research and development

September 2013 to January 2014

DocumentsOnly in Japanese

Presentation documents


EvaluationOnly in Japanese

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