Change in the operation and URL of NBDC Human Database
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Starting today, Apr. 1, 2024, the Database Center for Life Science (DBCLS) operates the NBDC human database (including NBDC Group Sharing Database).
Accordingly, URLs of these web sites have been changed. Details are as follows. If you have added the URL as favorites or bookmark, please change it to the new URL below.
NBDC Human Database
- Old:
- New:
NBDC Group Sharing Database
- Old:
- New:
NBDC will continue to promote the NBDC Human Database as a part of the Life Science Database Integration Project, and will cooperate and support the operation of the NBDC Human Database by DBCLS.
We look forward to your continued support and cooperation.
Contact Us
Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
Department for Information Infrastructure
Office of NBDC Program
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